Woolwich 1886 2mos ago
Shaw, Kane, and Southgate fall over each other to lick Saka’s boots…
Source:Woolwich 1886,

The accolades just keep rolling in for Bukayo Saka after his star-turn against Switzerland the one in which he bamboozled Swiss defenders time and time and time again despite playing a position & role he's rarely if ever played, certainly not in recent memory. From that right wing-back position, he terrorised Switzerland, made Southgate look like a tactical genius, and almost single-footedly (can't really say "single-handed" when we're discussing footy, can we?) lifted England into the Euro semis. Pushing to the front of the line to sing his praises were Luke Shaw and Harry Kane-and why shouldn't they?

We'll start with Shaw, who said of Saka the following:

I just think he's the most humble guy i've ever met. The most likeable person. You could ask every single person and they would say the same thing. He's honest. Very hard working. Got amazing talent, and I think-yeah, I think I was extremely happy for him the other night as well with the penalty after what he's been through and stuff. That was a proud and happy moment, I think, for everyone to see that, and you know, like I said, everyone just loves him, don't they?

To step into the breach is none other than Harry Kane, the erstwhile tormentor of Saka's club during his own time at the wrong North London club. Perhaps his time at Bayern or present situation with the Three Lions have softened the rougher edges of that rivalry, but it's not for nothing that Kane, whose own Euro performances have been, shall we say, diffident at best, stepped up to the microphone to sing Saka's praises:

He got the goal he fully deserved with a fantastic finish, got us back in the game when we needed it most. Then without the ball as well, the work he put in, the shift he put in. The blocks, the tackles, right up until the 120th minute...and then to step up to the [penalty] the way he did. I know the mentality he's got and I knew he'd be comfortable at that situation even though what happened in the past. A fantastic night for him and he deserved it.

Good of Kane to look past the rivalry, and I'm not just referring to the North London Derby. Surely, Kane has to be wrestling with the possibility that Saka will soon become the face and talisman of the Three Lions (if he hasn't already done so). Kane may not be passing the torch so much as he's watching Saka gently, humbly take it from him.

In his post-match presser, Southgate had this to say:

He's a special boy. He's a dream to work with. Of course, for him especially when his went in, that takes courage, but we have believe in him. You know, we had belief in him previously. He's now got a lot more experience of those pressure moments. His all-around performance was exceptional. The detail of how he had to defend and track and be in the right positions was very complex down that side of the pitch, and then to give us the outlet in those 1v1 situations, which we felt could be a real advantage for us and he did. His performance was immense.

Indeed it was, Gareth; indeed it was. You threw Saka into the lions' den four years ago and he's emerged stronger and more-determined for it. I'll leave it at that for now.

As for Saka, I'm sure we all know just how special a talent he is and how fortunate we are that he plays for this club. To see him represent his country with such determination, passion, and leadership has to bode well for his future, whether he's playing at left back, right wing back, or, where he truly terrorises opponents: at right wing itself.

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