News 2mos ago
Chelsea set to make €20m offer for Boca Juniors player – Bid will arrive soon
Source:News -

Chelsea are set to make a EUR20m offer for Boca Juniors youngster Aaron Anselmino, with the first bid expected in the next few days.

That's according to TyC Sports, who say Boca's leadership have been warned that a bid from Chelsea is incoming for the 19-year-old.

They report that Anselmino has been earning admirers from Europe for some time, although there has been no proposal for him at this moment in time.

Chelsea, though, are the main interested party and are now ready to make a first offer for him valued at EUR20m. That, though, is likely to be rejected as the defender has a $25m release clause in his current contract. That would be around EUR23.3m and Boca Juniors want that figure matched if they are to let Anselmino depart.

They've recently handed the youngster an increase in his salary, have him tied to a deal until 2028 and consider him a part of manager Diego Martinez's plans moving forwards.

Thus, there is no willingness to sell at this moment in time unless it is for a big fee, namely the one specified in his release clause. Whether Chelsea are willing to match that, which is only EUR3m away at this moment in time, remains to be seen.