News 2mos ago
Chelsea signing expected to be a ‘football legend’ – Insistence he’ll be a great
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Chelsea fans have every reason to be excited with Estevao's arrival at the club.

With the potential the youngster has been showing at Palmeiras recently, many people in Brazil have been impressed with what he's shown in a few games in the first team.

As Band pundit Neto now analyses the Verdao's squad, he mentions Estevao and claims the youngster will be a 'football legend'. That's backed up by former Sao Paulo player Souza.

Neto acknowledges he was wrong about some players who couldn't fulfil all their potential, such as Gabriel Jesus and Alexandre Pato, but insists that the future Chelsea player is special. This isn't the first time we get to see someone talking about the 17-year-old like this. 1994 World Cup champion Branco recently said that after Neymar, Estevao is the best footballer he's seen coming through in Brazil.

Chelsea's agreement with Palmeiras for Estevao can reach up to EUR61m, with performance bonuses included. The Blues still need to wait for him to turn 18 before he makes the move, so he'll only be available to play for them in the 2025/26 season.