Luton 5mos ago
Luton Town – A Murky Mess

Is it cheating, is it poor financial management, or is it just plain incompetence?

Yesterday, it was announced that Everton had, for the second time this season, been docked 2 points for breaking the financial sustainability regulations.

Naturally, the Everton support are in uproar, just as they were when they were initially docked 10 points (later reduced to 6 points, earlier in the season.

Quite how they've managed to break, and get caught, twice is something that puzzles me.

But, although the latest 2-point deduction drops them down the table and endangers there very Premier League status, I'm left very uneasy that, come May and the end of the season, our Premier league fate could be determined by the courts.

Rob Edwards is perfectly correct when he stated that Luton Town should ignore the penalties handed down to both Everton and Nottingham Forest and try an attain a points total greater then theirs with the points not deducted, this murky mess does complicate matters.

Is there a worse fate than believing you have escaped relegation only to find out, days later, that one of the two aforementioned clubs has won their appeal thereby leap-frogging you in the table?

I know those who govern the sanctions have stipulated that any appeals will be dealt with before the last round of games of the season, but we all know how these things can drag on and on and on.

But what puzzles me is why Everton, after being docked 10 points (reduced to 6) last time around, why, for a second offence have they been penalised less, where is the incentive to abide by the rules when you know over-spending delivers barely a slap on the wrist.

I find it an insult to all those that abide by the rule book, live between the guidelines given and sit back and watch what has unolded in recent weeks.

And don't get me started on Manchester City!

Manchester City v Luton Town?

Previous article by Mad Hatter

Luton Town Linked With EFL Championship Striking Ace