Manchester City 2mos ago
City coaches fly to Bangalore for Etihad young leaders summit
Source:Manchester City

We take a look back at this season's Etihad Young Leaders Summit celebrating the launch of the latest community football with Etihad Airways in India.

Twenty-seven Young Leaders from the project network in Bangalore, Kolkata, and New Delhi joined together in Bangalore for the Etihad Young Leaders Summit, led by Manchester City community coaches.

Etihad Airways flew out community coaches from City in the Community, the Club's charity, to Bangalore, India to deliver world-class football and leadership training to the projects inspirational group of Young Leaders through a series of workshops empowering healthier lives through football.

The Summit was also an opportunity that offered the Young Leaders a chance to connect and build friendships with participants from the different project cities and showcase their learnings with local children in Bangalore at a community festival before travelling back to their own communities.

Reflecting on the opportunity, Rukhsar, a Young Leader from Kolkata, said: "I am very glad to have this opportunity to come to Bangalore and participate in the Young Leaders Summit.

"The coaches have provided training on resilience, adaptability, problem-solving, and shared guidance on how to become a positive role model in our coaching. The summit has been a very good opportunity for us because everything we have learnt here is what we are going to implement with our community when we go back."

Watch the video to see what our inspiring group of Young Leaders got up to at the Etihad Young Leaders Summit!