City Xtra 2mos ago
Rodri and Alvaro Morata charged by UEFA following incident at Euro 2024 trophy celebration
Source:City Xtra

Manchester City's Rodri and AC Milan's Alvaro Morata have both been charged by UEFA following an incident at Spain's Euro 2024 trophy celebration in Madrid.

UEFA appointed a disciplinary inspector earlier this month after Spain's captain Alvaro Morata and team-mate Rodri chanted "Gibraltar is Spanish" during their Euro 2024 victory celebrations in the Spanish capital of Madrid.

The Gibraltar Football Association (GFA) made an official complaint about the celebrations in light of the chants, while the inspector confirmed that they would "evaluate a potential violation of the Uefa disciplinary regulations".

The Gibraltar FA complained about Spain's behaviour in their own official statement, as they said it had "noted the extremely provocative and insulting nature of the celebrations around the Spanish Men's national team winning Euro 2024. Football has no place for behaviour of this nature."

UEFA went on to confirm the following charges against both Rodrigo Hernandez Cascante and Alvaro Morata:

General principles of conduct, Article 11(1) DR;

Violating the basic rules of decent conduct, Article 11(2)(b) DR;

Using sporting events for manifestations of a non-sporting nature, Article 11(2)(c) DR; and

Bringing the sport of football, and UEFA in particular, into disrepute, Article 11(2)(d) DR.

The statement from UEFA closed by confirming that their Control, Ethics and Disciplinary Body (CEDB) will decide on the matter in due course.