The CCFC & CCFPA Wreaths Liam & Brian with the wreathsCCFPA committee member Richard Morris reports that there was a good turnout from the Coventry public (and Association members), despite the inclement weather, for last Sunday's Remembrance Day 2023 Ceremony held, as usual, at Coventry's War Memorial Park.
Coventry City Football Club and this Former Players Association, along with many other local organisations, agencies and bodies joined the annual parade and wreath laying ceremony to remember the fallen from the locality of all wars especially WW1 and WW2.
Brian & Liam walking to lay the wreathsCoventry folk also utilised the sombre occasion to remember all those who had their lives and livelihoods taken as a result of the WW2 bombing during that traumatic time for the city in the 1940s remembered as the Blitz!Thanks are due to CCFC club captain Liam Kelly who represented Coventry City FC and laid a commerorative wreath in the club's name and former defender (now the club's match-day host) Brian 'Harry' Roberts who represented the Association, being a long time member and friend to CCFPA, and laid our wreath at the Memorial Park cenotaph.
A respectful crowd The Memorial inscription Coventrians at the War memorialThe photos, taken by Richard (to whom thanks), give a good representation of the occasion, though solemn also an expression of community solidarity last Sunday morning!We will always Remember! Share Post.
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