Londonnewsonline 6mos ago
Millwall head coach Neil Harris on summer transfer window – and his role in deals

Neil Harris has talked about the upcoming transfer window for Millwall.

The Lions can fully turn their attention towards the deals they want to do in the summer now that they are safe from Championship relegation.

Some of the signings made during Harris first spell in charge of the club have proved fantastic value for money - the likes of Jake Cooper, Ryan Leonard, Tom Bradshaw, Murray Wallace and Bart Bialkowski just a few examples who are still on the books.

Harris returned as head coach in February and successfully navigated Millwall away from drop danger.

Asked how big his involvement will be in the shaping of the squad next season, he told the South London Press: "The biggest thing for me goes back to trust - the football club trusts me to make the best decisions for the football club.

"It's not just about what Neil Harris wants for the next 12 months, it's about what the football club needs for the building block, structure of the squad, age, balance - to be able to play different systems.

"It's important to try and build that over the transfer windows to make sure the club is in a healthier position for a long time.

"I won't be getting involved with agents and contract negotiations. Will I have an opinion on a player? Of course I will, and rightly so because not only am I the head coach, and I've got to pick the right teams, but I also I know what is best for the football club. I know what players fit.

"There is a hell of a lot of good work that goes on behind the scenes here. It has come on tenfold, since I left, in the recruitment department. I look forward to working within that structure. It has to be football club-led now, it can never be head coach-led now on recruitment in the modern era.

"Every group always needs change. Every summer you need freshening. It is how you freshen the group. Everyone knows Alex Ferguson was a genius. He got rid of Beckham, Stam and Keane at the right times. That comes with experience but also a bit of luck as well, let's be honest.

"What we try and do as managers and head coaches is make the best judgements we can.

"We need to change because we have got five loans players, a couple out of contract and U21 players out of contract - so there will naturally be a different feel to it next year.

"But this football club in particular you, one, need stability and, two, you need Millwall-like players.

"The game is always evolving and has to evolve, but you still have to have the Millwall basics in the changing room. You need to have that leadership. Leadership at Millwall is not just being loud and demanding. It is about understanding what the fans want to see on the pitch and how you approach certain moments on the pitch.

"That is why you need senior Millwall players in the squad - the likes of George Saville, Ryan Leonard, Tom Bradshaw have all extended their contracts because they are vitally important to us at the football club.

"But then we do need to get the balance right with younger players. We have to have legs in the team. We have been unlucky with injuries at times, I've come in and until recently - now - probably this is the first chance I've got to start Tom Bradshaw or Kevin Nisbet since I've been here.

"We haven't scored enough goals this season to be challenging for a top half finish. We do need to look at the squad and think there is going to be some natural change but then there is always going to be the change that takes place in any summer transfer window at a football club.

"There will be one or two players who do come to me and say: 'We're not settled' or 'I'm not happy - I want to leave'. That could be selling players, that could be letting players move on to pastures new which will add to the workload.

"There will naturally be a turnover of players."

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