A Love Supreme 4mos ago
Dodds On Clarke Exit
Source:A Love Supreme

Mike Dodds has questioned Jack Clarke's transfer stance and says that perhaps the situation isn't as cut-and-dry as it seems.



"He has a length on his contract and the club have demonstrated they won't be letting anyone go for cheap, so there will be some to-ing and fro-ing if clubs are interested. Jack would be a positive of the recruitment model. He came in on loan initially and took a while to settle but at the back end of the League One season he was very good. Then we got to the summer and Jack didn't come in immediately. He joined us halfway through the trip to Portugal. It wasn't like he came in straight away, but he's gone from strength to strength. He's got huge potential."


"He's still a young man and there's still a lot that he needs to work on and there's still a huge amount of his game he needs to be better at. If we're talking about him moving on and going to the Premier League, that's not just one step, it's five steps. We're talking about the best league in the world, so there's still a huge amount he needs to improve and get better at. But he's a good kid. He's a unique character, he moans about absolutely everything but you can live with the moaning if he produces the numbers he's produced. It will be an interesting summer, my personal opinion is I just don't think the conclusion is Jack is going to leave the football club, because he's got a lengthy contract and the club have demonstrated they're not going to let players go for anything less than what they think is value. It's going to be an interesting summer."