Sempremilan 4mos ago
Pioli discusses Curva Sud’s protest and confirms attacking starters for Milan-Genoa

On the eve of the clash between AC Milan and Genoa, Stefano Pioli spoke to the media at the usual press conference and shared his thoughts on the task at hand. He remained coy when asked about his future and confirmed that Samuel Chukwueze will start.

Milan clinched one point against Juventus last time out and thus still have a five-point lead over the Bianconeri in the standings. The goal is to defend second place and tomorrow's game is important in that sense, but there will be no cheering from the Curva Sud.

During his press conference today, as cited by MilanNews, Pioli shared his thoughts on the future and tomorrow's clash. He also confirmed that Samuel Chukwueze will play from the first minute, having done well recently.

In case of a win tomorrow, you will mathematically qualify for the Supercoppa...

"There must be the will to play the best game and win. There are still 4 games to go and second place is not yet certain."

What's the mood?

"My task shouldn't be complicated: there are 4 games left. It's true that outside we talk about everything except the games, but we don't [in the squad]. We have a great sense of responsibility. Then we'll see about the future at the end of the season."

You have been linked with Napoli...

"I'm just thinking about tomorrow. Then at the end of the season, I'll meet the club and we'll see."

What motivations do you have for this season finale?

"We have the opportunity to demonstrate that we are a cohesive group that cares about the club's fate. The motivation is there. We haven't finished our work yet."

How is the relationship with the managers?

"Zlatan and Moncada were here yesterday. The relationship with the directors has always been good and will remain like that at the end of the season."

Other important clubs appreciate your work...

"You have waited a long time, please wait a little longer to talk about the future. The work isn't finished. You can write, I can't control the rumours and I don't even want to control them. The real thing is that I have another year of my contract with Milan and I won't talk to any other club while I'm still under contract."

What will you do if you say goodbye to Milan?

"I know you find it hard to believe me, but I'm not thinking about my future at all. I'm focused on these last matches, then we'll meet with the club and decide what to do."

How is Chukwueze?

"It will be an important month for everyone. Chuku is well and will play tomorrow."

The reverse fixture was a special one against Genoa...

"We won with a bit of luck, we were first in the standings. I want to congratulate Gilardino for the work he has done: he has very good players, but he was good at putting them together."

Tomorrow there will be a particular atmosphere at San Siro...

"In recent years, the fans have been an added value who have always supported us, especially in difficult moments. I won't forget that. They have taken a position, I respect it, but we must think about winning tomorrow. On a personal level, I can say that in recent years, I have often returned home with a heart full of joy from San Siro. Then recently things have changed and I was a little sadder..."

Does Okafor have a future as a striker?

"He's strong, he was ready. His flexibility could be important."

Tomorrow there will be no Loftus-Cheek...

"Tomorrow I'll tell you who will play: Chukwueze, Pulisic, Leao and Giroud. Loftus-Cheek has had an excellent season, he's strong: then he didn't have the continuity that maybe he will have next season, both in terms of knowledge and physique."

Are you the right man for Milan?

"Tomorrow, I hope to be the right man for Milan, then we will decide the future."

Have the big names had less impact this year?

"We have always worked as a team. Within a season there are positive things and also things that didn't work. Everyone can and must grow."

Do you feel part of Milan's history?

"It's clear that I'm part of Milan's history, not only for the Scudetto, but also because I coached this team for five seasons, in which there were positive and negative moments."

How are Kalulu and Pobega?

"They will be called up and will also be able to play part of the match."

What game will it be tomorrow?

"Genoa cover spaces well. We will have to be good at understanding when to be compact and when to be aggressive."

How do you judge the season of the Primavera youngsters who have often been included in the first team?

"Very positive. It was an important season for them, they often worked with us and grew. Milan will certainly focus on them for the future."

It remains to be seen what will happen in the future but Pioli appears to be in pole position for the Napoli job. He remains focused on the present but there's no doubt that his entourage is working on the next adventure.